

Please select the treatment that best suits your needs.
Facial Treatment "Classic"
With selected products, your skin will be cared for by cleansing, appropriate peeling, steaming and deep cleansing. After a facial massage with the right mask for you, your complexion looks radiantly fresh.
 Duration: ca. 60 min. € 85,-
Facial Treatment "Time Out"
You can enjoy a relaxing facial massage with an luxurious ampoule and a mask taylored to your skintype.
 Duration: ca. 35 min. € 54,-
Facial Treatment "Antiaging"
After cleansing, peeling, steaming, deep cleansing and eyebrow correction, your skin will recharge its batteries with the help of valuable active ingredients (ampoules). The active ingredients are massaged in during a relaxing face, neck and décolleté massage. With a final care treatment, we will release you into everyday life relaxed with a new glow on your face.
 Duration: ca. 80 min. € 124,-
Additional Treatments
Eyelashes and Eyebrow “Special”Duration: ca. 25 min. € 32,-
Eyebrow tintingDuration: ca. 15 min. € 15,-
Eyelash tintingDuration: ca. 15 min. € 15,-
Eyebrow correctionDuration: ca. 10 min. € 12,-
Face ampoule depending on skin type  € 15,-
Waxing: upper lip/chin area  € 10,-
Day or evening make-up  € 27,-

Body & Soul

Body Treatment: Chocolate Love
A relaxing brush massage will improve your complexion and tighten the connective tissue. In addition, the brush massage has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation. Then, wrapped in a full-body foil, you can enjoy a relaxing facial massage with the pleasant warmth of cocoa butter.
 Duration: ca. 50 min. € 78,-
Body Treatment: Crème de la Crème „Antiaging“
Crème de la Crème is a nourishing treatment for all skin types. The high-quality buttercreams contain active ingredients such as panthenol, aloe vera or jojoba oil and ensure a perfect moisture balance. The tightening effect you will experience is primarily due to the unsaturated fatty acids. Vitamin A ensures cell renewal. After a dry peeling with a silk glove and a facial massage with a rich ampoule, you rest in a full body wrap.
 Duration: ca. 60 min. € 92,-
Körperbehandlung: Honig–Traum
Nach einem Peeling mit einem Seidenhandschuh ist Ihre Haut optimal vorbereitet, um die vitaminhaltige Honigbutter aufzunehmen. Eingewickelt in einer Ganzkörperfolie genießen Sie bei der entstehenden wohligen Wärme des Honigs eine entspannende Gesichtsmassage.
 Duration: ca. 50 min. € 72,-

Hand & foot

Manicure Classik
Nail treatment, nail shaping and a rich hand cream make your hands look fresh.
 Duration: ca. 30 min. € 48,-
Manicure Luxurious
Shape cuticles and nails. Care down to the fingertips with a gentle peeling and a pleasant massage of the hands and forearms with an anti-aging cream for soft skin.
 Duration: ca. 45 min. € 62,-
Nail poilish
 Duration: ca. 15 min. € 15,-
Extra: Hand Gloves
   € 10,-
Foot Reflexology Massage

In times when people still walked barefoot, the reflex zones were massaged automatically.

Today, in the age of the shoe, this is often neglected. The individual nerve endings establish the interaction between foot and body. Get involved in this type of massage, because our feet are a mirror of our body.

 Duration: ca. 30 min. € 54,-